Well you can either use the high performance, and $40CAD, cleaning kit...

You can do this!
Take the slimmist coat hanger you can find, and straighten it out most of the way. Then tear off 1 inch of a jcloth, or similar thin cloth. With a pair of pliers, put a small (1/4inch) hook on one end of the coat hanger. This will be used to pull the cloth through the hose.

Then, remove the drinking hose from the water bladder, and the mouthpiece.

Then insert the coat hanger all the way through the hose with the hook out the other end.

Then hook the jcloth in the center with the coat hanger.

Then drag the cloth through the hose. You may have to do this several times to ensure you get all the gunk out of the hose. You can stop pulling, and do a little push in the area where the large deposits are, but be carefull to not disengage the cloth from the hanger. It would be a pain to get it out afterwards.
pardon me
while i wake up from the deep sleep
that post just put me into
I know you are but what am I?
Hi Dank,
I would like to thank you for taking the time to include such detail and pictures. Sorry that some people don't appreciate it when someone goes through such an effort.
One concern I have, as I look at your suggestions, is whether the bend in the coat hanger will scratch the inside of the hose. Have you had to deal with that, and if so, what was your solution?
Thanks again,
don't know why I din't think of that! I look foward to drinking non moldy water!
Yet another great use for retired wire hangers!!!
Thanks for this post...I was just considering how to clean a newly acquired used camelback and this is certainly the most common sense approach to getting that long tube cleaned out.
I love it !!!
This is certainly a thorough approach. Alternatively, you could just let some warm Milton dissolve inside before sucking it through by mouth and spitting it out. After ten mouthfuls, the whole tub and mouthpiece should be clean.
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