Sunday, November 27, 2005

Friday, November 25, 2005

Pictures of Naked Guys

So The Old Lady is in the tub, asking bout my blog, said she went and saw it, and noticed the pictures of the naked men. I said "what naked men" so as to say, i might have, but dont remember. She expected a reply like "oh my everlovin god, i gots naked menfolk on my blog?!!!

So that did not happen. What did happen, to spite her only, i subject you to the large gay men.

Her fault, no touchbacks.



Thursday, November 24, 2005

Fugken Gool Man!!!!!!!!!!

Check this shit out!!!

A MUST have. Kiss your keyboards goombye kiddies. This is the way it's gonna go.


The Old Layd told a very sad story today. She is going to school to be a nurse. Part of every year is placment in a clinical situation. She's nurse at a school, she did a stint in a palliative care facility, and now she got accepted for a placement in Sick Kids! OH joy oh bliss she says. She had expressed a preference for a "lactation clinic", which even made sense to me. If you are gonna work in a hospital, it might as well be in a place where you see lots of boobies!!! No problem. I understand. Well she did not get the "lactation clinic" but the Safe Kids Program. The focus is "on bettering the understanding of accidents to parents and children, and helping avoid needless injury and death from preventable accidents at home and school....". She's all disapointed she did not get the posting she wants. Having to teach avoidable injury ideas. What tripe!!! Sniff...

I explained the situation thus:

I wish for big huge boobies all my life, and thus i'm much closer to the end of the boobie line than her. She wishes for big ripe boobies ONCE, and thinks that is all there is to it! Can you imagine the gaul. Take a number honey! The line forms BACK THERE!!!! Muftae is even closer than you. Sheesh. Line jumper! Budder!

Can anyone think of other terms for "budder"?

She's coping....

Hair Product Blues

No this is not a Nick Cave song. But Nick's Abbatoir Blues does kinda rock.

My ongoing dependance in hair product is getting me down. Having the first 30 min of my day ruined by the realization that i have forgotten to re-stock my lid goop gets me down. Dassall.

Oh that, and the fact that urine now freezes within 10 seconds from leaving your body now. Scraping the windshield. That kinda ting...sigh..

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Planes Trains and Automobiles

I know people who would be crapping themselves, while sharing their worst sins at the top of their lungs, with the entire 348 people on the flight if this was to happen. I'd sit in the window seat and look and go "cool...look at that leaver move, when he hits the reverse thrusters at 15,000 feet. Very cool......".

Now this stuff has to stop. Aparently, western and developed countries are going to shrink in population over the thenx 45 years by %10, while Kenya will grow in population by 283% in the smae timeframe. If they made the trains smaller, and made rules about hanging on the side of trains....who knows?

This guy i work with, was working as my assistant on a job. The gig needed him meet me in toronto at like 5am or something. Not all that rare in our bidness. So he shows up late. Really late, and it totally bones me for like 2 hours. Really crazy shit. So he comes up with some lameass excuse about his car burnin to the ground on the 401. (he lives in The Schwa) Had JUST GOT IT BACK FROM THE SHOP, for damage done to it by another coworker of ours who drives like TIMMAH. So i guess they forgot to snug something down, or whatever, cause his car started smoking, so he pulled over, and when he opened the hood, WHOOOSHH, and his integra burned to the ground.

There was good news though, he had a set of snow tires for it, which fit snugly on MY car, which he no longer needed, so even his loss was my gain. I LOVE that shit.

From the ashes of destruction grow the roses of success.

Friday, November 18, 2005

The sirens are screaming and the fires are howling.....

So i got my first girlfriend at daycamp. Camp Robin Hood. There was this girl, she was kinda geeky and like me, so we had eachothers back while both in S3 cabins. I was in Senior Boys 3, and she was in Senior Girs 3. SB3 and SG3. Nothing military about that or nuthin....Nothing smoothed over the Uncle Hulka vernacular like having a smoochy poochie name for each of the various sections.

Tents were lined up in 2 rows of 4 and thus formed a "section". Brambleberry, or The Clouds. Had they been named after what each tent and section was famous for, i would have been in Senior-waspinfested-tentstillsmellslikepukefromthesleepover-shithovel.Always ate outside under a tree. Never in the tent.

...i digress...back to Haila. Nice jewish girls even then. She lived outside my allowed bike travel zone, and was nug enough to risk life and limb driving into Scarborough. I swear i knew all about that shit even back then.

so we lived in that hazy region called "phone relationship". We finished camp, and went out separate ways. Often promising to meet at Don Mills. The "frontier". Never happened. I'd be surprised if it ever did in these fast and hard times for a 9 year old. There was school, sports, masturbating, and masturbating...oh and walking the dog.

I'd come home and call. We'd talk for 20 min, doing a recap, and usually spending 1/2 of the time yelling at my sibs. Fricken crackers. Then i'd watch MASH, maybe Barney Miller, and then homework. then dinner, and back on the phone after DrWho. Say 7ish.

Day in and day out for like 45 days. Then, id be hooking up with some tart in grade 4, who said "you have a hardon.." to me, and without knowing what the hell she was talking about, had to have her for my own.

but in the meatime, i had her convinced that when i get home from school, me and my band rehearse in my dads musicstudio/basement. I'd say..."wanna listen" and she'd say "sure" and i'd put on Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell! On a bad tape deck that i'm pretty sure someone stole from the local highschool, but had never confirmed. Really hilarious. Then i'd get back on the phone, act like i was out of breath, and say "so what did you think...?". And she would say she liked it, and we were really good, and should keep at it cause we were really good.

Shortly thereafter i figgured out that stupid and gullable are kinda similar, and went on my way.


Friday, November 11, 2005

Dolphins are cool....400 horsepower Dolphins are cooler...

Looks like a guy, his buddies, a cottage, and a disability compensation package...+ beer and dope....

But you could take it over to the casino...or maybe you'd have to wait till they pulled the casino out of town....

Or just leave it in the parking lot like eveyone else....

Dont shake hands/feet with just anyone...

Goodbye flat tires...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Housewarming +2. The coast is clear....

The night was long, and the food was good. I made some serious greaswheel, and gots lots of comliments. Mostly drunken slurring ones from people who's tastebuds were slathered in CubaLibre, but props are props, and i'm keepin em.

The Old Lady got an idea! And a bit of a hangover.

A certain somone, who will remain nameless, was in training for a 10k run, and a marichino-cherry-nose-push-contest, all in the same night. Julian wants his drink back btw. Did a little of the Karoke, and lost my voice right there at the end. The high C is always a tricky one.

And the smile bug was everywhere....

Not to mention the cell wielding bohemian artists types who smell really good...where do they come from.....?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Party all the time, party all the time, party all the time.......

Big Huge Party Tonight. Housewarming!!!!!

I can't understand it why you want to hurt me

After all the things I've done for you.

I buy you champagne and roses and diamonds on your finger -

Diamonds on your finger -

Still you hang out all night

what am I to do?

My girl wants to party all the time

Party all the time

party all the time.

My girl wants to party all the time
party all the time.

She parties all the time.......

See you there!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Another Day In The Core!

Ahhh the week off. A classic example of all that is wrong with the industry in which I work. Sigh...

Could be worse! I could be an off duty cop, chillin downtown, ruining traffic with my cop buddies.

Orrrrr! I could be stuck in my grandmammys 1920 hair dryer, which i accidently put on before i put my belt and handcuffs on, and inflated it accidently i suppose.

Things can always get worse. Truss me....