Saturday, April 29, 2006

Might A Been The Whiskey!!!!

Ya recon. Spring fling is over. All survived, cept Meg and Zubie who both felt a bit queesey.

Tanks for commin out all!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Sat Morning.

So this week was filled with thrills and spills.

While shooting a Bud Light commercial, i ran into some rather strange creatures. Blue viened "vixens" is the best way to describe some of them. I only pick on these people as they have augmented their bodies, in a questionably healthy manner, so they could get work just like this!!! Fair game if you ask me.

This young gem, had nipples you could hang a coat on. Mostly cause she had about 20psi going on her boob job. Pretty hideous. But she did have a nice bumm!

Even Russ Myer would have thought this girls lips were a mistake. Her mom sometimes comes out to gigs with her, and apparently is even more "done" than her little girl.

And this chick looked like she had been kicked off the Hole tour bus for partying too hard! She was very nice to talk to, but i could not figgure out what she is doing in a beer commmercial.

Maybe Bud Light means the chicks you get as a result of drinking piss water are Hot Light. As in, you can drink this swill and get these chicks, or....

Drink the King Of Beers and get some girls who have spent some serious coin on their augmentation...and will likely be filming scheisse videos in Prauge a year or two from now.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Classic in PSYCHO!!!!

This picture, i never really saw. It's RADM in foreground, and you-know-who in the background, just moments before beating "himself" senseless in Fight Club. I think there is a message here, but im not sure what it is.

Note the shadow on the wall? The "chicken hostage" debacle continues. Did RadMad abduct her dogs chicken afterall?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hostage Taking...I cant believe it....

Infidel Dogs,

We have your poultry! It will not be returned until our demands have been met. We may have a wing or two if you hesitate in any way. Don’t call George Bush or we’ll start plucking.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Blueberry Hill

It was thrilling. What a beautifull place.

Friday Evenin Vittles!!!

How i DOOO love to eat!

Step #1. Invite some invertibrates "for dinner". They never expect till you show them the pot.

Step 2. Keep the friggen carnivors at bay with taser gun! Dont let the cute smile distract you or you'll loos a limb.

Step #3. Keep hands away from the food when handing it over to the carnivores.

Step 4. Make some desert to put them over the edge, and cause them to sleep....