I know people who would be crapping themselves, while sharing their worst sins at the top of their lungs, with the entire 348 people on the flight if this was to happen. I'd sit in the window seat and look and go "cool...look at that leaver move, when he hits the reverse thrusters at 15,000 feet. Very cool......".

Now this stuff has to stop. Aparently, western and developed countries are going to shrink in population over the thenx 45 years by %10, while Kenya will grow in population by 283% in the smae timeframe. If they made the trains smaller, and made rules about hanging on the side of trains....who knows?

This guy i work with, was working as my assistant on a job. The gig needed him meet me in toronto at like 5am or something. Not all that rare in our bidness. So he shows up late. Really late, and it totally bones me for like 2 hours. Really crazy shit. So he comes up with some lameass excuse about his car burnin to the ground on the 401. (he lives in The Schwa) Had JUST GOT IT BACK FROM THE SHOP, for damage done to it by another coworker of ours who drives like TIMMAH. So i guess they forgot to snug something down, or whatever, cause his car started smoking, so he pulled over, and when he opened the hood, WHOOOSHH, and his integra burned to the ground.
There was good news though, he had a set of snow tires for it, which fit snugly on MY car, which he no longer needed, so even his loss was my gain. I LOVE that shit.
From the ashes of destruction grow the roses of success.
this one time
in brampton
i did $600 damage to my honda civic hatchback
in someone's driveway
meh. don't ask
I'm axin! This i gott here.
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