Some random nudity....
So I'm figuring out this bloggin thing. What I'm missing is nudity and foul language. FUCK! What was I thinkin....
So I'm gonna give some money to the relief efforts in Pakistan. It is not the mountain peoples fault that the government harbors the fuckers who are blowing it for the entire middle east region. And continue to be in denial as to their ability to get the radicals out of their governing body. So why not. Poor bastards are about to freeze their asses off.
http://www.worldvision.org/The Old Lady (aka My Lovely Wife) and I were talking today about the whole flu vaccine thing. Some poobah doctor guy, with really bad balding hair I might add, suggested that if you get the shot...you wont get sick. So regardless of where you stand on the subject, the CDC states that you got a 50/50 chance of getting the flu if you get the flu shot. With small children efficacy can go as high as the low %60 range, which is still good I suppose. Ach well.
http://www.cdc.gov/nip/ACIP/minutes/acip-min-oct03.rtf in the off chance one gives a sheite!
Crump Clown bring it on down....Crump Clown bring it on down....
Crump Clown bring it on down....
Crump Clown bring it on down....
Your moving to the rhythm and feeling that sound....
Don't start nothin, it won't be nuthin...
If I wann crump I might have to go
Elsewhere. Oye...