Friday, December 30, 2005

Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch !

Allright. The downstairs folks are complaining about the lack of postage, so HERE!!! And we'll even make it all about YOU!!!!
Here is a classic shot of Superjudge trying to do the old Yogic Flying thing. Doug Henning (the superwierd Canadian embassador to the uberwierd) taught SJ all he knows, and i think they might have been lovers when SJ went to work on the sheep ranch as a teen. Most people thought it wierd that he'd pick the "the world's premiere disco hippie magician" with all those sheep around?!?

And this is just a nice shot of Sally & SJ! Ok. Truth is i picked it cause Sally looks like she just got an Eye Toke. Which i dont think she is, as her body is a temple to her, and she'd never sully her DNA with such debauchery. Now CHOCOLATE is another story completely. Here! Here's some candy for Sally!!!!

And BTW, the edible underwear stuff! How did that work out? Was it Orange or Bananna. I cant recall. You got a lot of edible clothing this christmas. Were YOU BAD!!!???

Friday, December 23, 2005

Bring it, it's been broughted...

Is all i can say for now Superjudge.

Well that, and I LOVE YOU MAN! Brett Hull says it's ok. Relax!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

SJ Complains/Roadfood

SJ has been complaining that i have not been posting very much. He posts like twice, and all of a sudden he's BACK!!! Whatevah. We'll see! HA. But he forces my hand on the "not posting much yourfeckin self" issue. Thus i post.

ROADFOOD!!! I ate only twice on the road to USA. Wholy schlock. The stuff tasted like teriyaki sawdust, at best. To think some people eat this twice a day, for YEARS. Imagine the effect on the DNA when it thinks that is food? There may only be cocaroaches and Rochestarians left after the nuculear freeze. Fuggen crap. I swear to god, i feel like i might as well have had a carton of smokes for the damage this kife does to the Human.

America...Fuck YEA!!!

So i just got back from helping out a friend get her ass moving to a new apartment. Explaining the "books into box" thing went really well, and the boxes go into the car, and out at the new pad went really well too.

The drive there was fine. Like 80MPH the entire way, and lots of smokies, but none of them got their grimy paws on the DANMAN!

Some really nice spots in upstate ny. Some cool old bridges.

On the fricken way back, however, not exactly the same story. I was reading the doom-and-gloom reports from the weather KNOBS on CNN and heard about a little storm comming in. Well it seems that the USA was taking a break from bombing someone, and no one had chosen that particular day to avenge the attacks the USA perpetrates against other soverign nations. So the big "news" was this BLANKET OF DEATH approaching the eastern seaboard! Really talking it up and sure it would hit on friday afternoon. 2ish.

So i book early, shortening an already too short trip to see my friend, with the intent of MISSING the sorm in question. Ahhhhno. Turns out that the storm is showing up to the prom early, and hit like a madman at about Syracuse. At first i thought "ahh so. it come early..." but was not shitting myself. Was still light outside, so i was coo... 9 minutes later the sun went down..and IT began.

I could go into tonnes of detail, but when i saw the garbage truck, on it's side, in the ditch, facing the wrong way, i turned off The Smiths, and got a coffee. PRONTO. Were it not for snow tires, and ADVANCED DRIVING skills, i'd still be at some Microlodge in Schnecectady. Asshole of the upper USA that it is.

Thought of SJ as i drove past the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield.

So made the 8 hour trip in 10 hours. NICE! I hate the USA.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Party All The Time...for a day and a half technically!

So it seems i am in posession of the ONLY GOOD shots of Sally/SJ's party. I'm wondering how much i can get for them. Already got my parking spot shoveled, but i'm thinking LAUNDRY!!!


Another abuse of GIF animation! Just a little hommage to Sally for doing the running/spinning thing. Enjoy it while it's around sistah!!! Oh. And some sining lessions are next methinks.

Friday, December 09, 2005

First Really Snowy Morning 05

The first snowy morning in the new apartment. Woke up, not expecting anything, and SNOW!!!!

Looks great. Cant wait for our christmas to happen. Everyone getting together, eating, sleeping, coffee with Bailey's!

Life is good.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Sunday Morning Run

So i wakes up to the freaks downstairs getting ready for the BIG DAY!!! The run in the freezing cold (too much fun for me) followed by a drive south of the non-dairy-creamer-line for some festive holiday sheite. SJ looked like someone had pissed in his eyes, and cleared it out with some salt. A night out with the boys i gather, and when i saw them Sat evening, they looked up to no good.

So HERE is what i think they actually got up to! Boys will be boys i suppose.

Loveya SJ!!!!

The Dork

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Frog Cameltoe

Is there such a thing? Cause I'm a thinkin das what i'm seeing.